Tuesday 3 September 2024

Blood and Crowns 200 points


Much Rutting near Pelton.  The Scots have invaded and the Bishop of Cestria has raised a Company to defend his lands.

The Vintenar commanding the archers on my right does great work, killing Gallowglass.  The rest of my lads not so great!

My big spearmen unit under a Grizzled Veteran gets stuck into the Scots Pike.

And the Vintenar does more good work.  These Foundry routier types look great as low class bowmen.

The Pike fight in full swing.  My left hand archers are shot to pieces   the Bishopnadvances his retinue.

The spearmen defeat the Scots Pike but the casualties were huge.  The Bishop gets into a reserve position.

And my left flank archers look miserable.

The Bishop intervenes and is killed almost immediately.  The body and armour are taken by the Scots.

And my Grizxled Veteran is now almost alone.  The entire left and centre run away.

Only the Vintenar and his men make it home to Cestria.  Some Barons Wsr Robin Hood figures among these.
A great game, it was in the balance for ages.  Spurred me on to game more Crowns!

Wednesday 28 August 2024

The Spanish Galleon build

A Blood and Plunder build for a three game mini campaign.

I refuse to pay £300 on a Galleon, so the Farthingdale shipyards have produced this beast of a ship.  


Foamboard  £4 (A2) Works

Artists mounting board £2  Range

Beads  £3 mixed

Paints £4 (but that's a guess)

Glue £2

Dowel  £1

Coffee stirrer sticks, don't ask!

The baseboard, needed to be wider than the upper Decks to get the sheer.

The base of the Galleon, against the Bark and Brig.  It will be a tough challenge.

Building up layers

The lower part of the hull

Solid build

And the gundeck goes on, it's up against Raise the Black!

And I free build the superstructure.

Heavy card cladding, and the bow section is crafted.

I built the gunports from coffee stirrer sticks and added a bead as the gun Muzzle.  Colourful!

And stated the stern decoration, not forgetting the chasers.

Began work on the stern gallery.

And it's detachable.

More stern craft bead decoration.

Built a milliput figurine as the ships figurehead.  Forecasters in place.  26 guns this beast has!

And a dark wash.  Silvered the gun muzzles 

It's the look I wanted.

Yet more stern work

Experimented with detachable name plates.

And I begin the decking.  Card strips.  Time consuming.


The masts and fighting tops go up.

And a very quick Longboat side project!

Bowsprit and Rigging posts done

Hear ye, hear ye, nearly done!

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Challenging the Spanish Treasure Ship

  A Blood and Plunder challenge for the Petains involving a three game mini campaign.

I don't fancy paying out £300 on a Galleon, so the Farthingdale shipyards have laid the keel of a beast of a ship.  The plan is to make this in stepped sections, and configure it for optimum storage.

Got the shape I wanted!

The Spanish Treasure Galleon

A rag tag group of Privateers and outright pirates, in half a dozen vessels, has gathered in Kings-port at the news of a Spanish treasure ship seen being loaded in a fortified port on the Main.  An election to choose a leader for the expedition has run into problems.  Everyone wants to be the boss.

Game 1

Pirates vs Privateers

Rivalry within the assembled fleet. The competition to be named Admiral has broken into outright fighting.  The victor will be named High Admiral, but the loser turns tail to fight for the Spanish.  This fight takes place against the shoreline.

Game 2

The Spanish frigate.  

The fleet is at sea, but the Spanish have sent a frigate, (I'll use my Brig with an additional mizzen and gunports) under a legendary Spanish Captain to convoy and protect the treasure ship.  Get off table past the frigate, who will follow as long as he is able.  The Treasure ship will not appear in this game.  If the frigate survives he will chase the fleet onto the table in the next game.

Game 3

The Great Galleon.  

The Galleon will enter the table diagonally opposite the pirate/fleet.  The Spanish will crew the Great Ship to 400 points.  The Mission is to board and take the Galleon.  If she sinks you get no treasure, but note that the share out will be less if some of your allies are themselves sunk.


I have spare ships that can be loaned out as Pirates, and the pirate fleet size is not fixed.  It should work as a multiplayer game, everyone in competition, against a very tough Spanish enemy.  

My own fictional Privateer Character (allegations of piracy have never been proven) Captain Errol Thynne of the Nancy and known to all as Fat Errol will be competing for the prize.

Be afraid!
The base of the Galleon, against the Bark and Brig.  It will be a tough challenge.

Building up layers of foamcore to the height of the gunports

Eight layers in.  These will be trimmed before being covered.

Monday 15 July 2024

Fat Willie and some Foo on Foo action!

 Game Two. 

Leutnant Stoner has held the Yankees in the first game.  Its now campaign turn three and the Germans hold the same line against an increasingly desperate US assault.

So far so good.

The patrol phase begins

The Germans have extended the minefield to encompass the still burning tank.

And as one of the Germans I'm reasonably happy with our line as the jump off points go down.

The Yankees come in as combined arms, screening the Infantry with those tanks.

We get our FOO on table and drop the mortars on them.  The US FOO hides in an attic opposite.

But poor Fritz the FOO is taken out but a most dodgy sniping Sherman.

That 75mm hits poor Fritz through a tree.

But our revenge soon follows as we spend CoC dice to open up with an off table 88mm gun.

And then we take down the second Sherman.  Fritz the FOO can rest peacefully..  The US FOO can be seen hiding in that farmhouse.

The Yanks morale drops.

and the game pauses whilst we all go to the pub and drink a toast to poor Fritz.