Much Rutting near Pelton. The Scots have invaded and the Bishop of Cestria has raised a Company to defend his lands. |
The Vintenar commanding the archers on my right does great work, killing Gallowglass. The rest of my lads not so great! |
My big spearmen unit under a Grizzled Veteran gets stuck into the Scots Pike. |
And the Vintenar does more good work. These Foundry routier types look great as low class bowmen. |
The Pike fight in full swing. My left hand archers are shot to pieces the Bishopnadvances his retinue. |
The spearmen defeat the Scots Pike but the casualties were huge. The Bishop gets into a reserve position. |
And my left flank archers look miserable. |
The Bishop intervenes and is killed almost immediately. The body and armour are taken by the Scots. |
And my Grizxled Veteran is now almost alone. The entire left and centre run away. |
Only the Vintenar and his men make it home to Cestria. Some Barons Wsr Robin Hood figures among these. |