Tuesday 3 September 2024

Blood and Crowns 200 points


Much Rutting near Pelton.  The Scots have invaded and the Bishop of Cestria has raised a Company to defend his lands.

The Vintenar commanding the archers on my right does great work, killing Gallowglass.  The rest of my lads not so great!

My big spearmen unit under a Grizzled Veteran gets stuck into the Scots Pike.

And the Vintenar does more good work.  These Foundry routier types look great as low class bowmen.

The Pike fight in full swing.  My left hand archers are shot to pieces   the Bishopnadvances his retinue.

The spearmen defeat the Scots Pike but the casualties were huge.  The Bishop gets into a reserve position.

And my left flank archers look miserable.

The Bishop intervenes and is killed almost immediately.  The body and armour are taken by the Scots.

And my Grizxled Veteran is now almost alone.  The entire left and centre run away.

Only the Vintenar and his men make it home to Cestria.  Some Barons Wsr Robin Hood figures among these.
A great game, it was in the balance for ages.  Spurred me on to game more Crowns!