Meanwhile in Durham market place there was a little friction between units of HMP and elements of the University.
Seeking refreshment a group of BUF militia head towards the Market Tavern and come under fire from buildings beyond St. Nicholas' church.
Much to their chagrin they find the door locked, but worse is to come.
A group of University policemen are armed and equally as thirsty.
They assemble on the north wall of the church and observe the BUF around the corner.
No sooner were they spotted than a particularly bloody fight ensued whereby all of the BUF were felled and only three policemen where left standing. Just another incident in the current "troubles" of this fair city.
Mr McKay was noticeable by his absence.
Ah... was that the bold, brave and ever thirsty Police Sergeant Finnigan leading the charge to the taproom door? A man of heroic girth, armed with an HM Issued wooden club for a weapon. Wait until he meets Wor Cheryl!