Monday 5 November 2018

Action off the Roche Bonne 27th May 1794

HMS Satyr has been shadowing a Squadron of French two deckers westwards from the Basque Roads.

27th May 1794
3 bells in the Morning Watch

Masthead view HMS Satyr
A wind change during the night Captain.  Mr Blair was on watch and you were not woken and informed.  Nor was Mr Pipesmoker or the Master.  Clegg gives you an "I told you so" look.   The First Officer is visibly annoyed with the young Lieutenant. 

The wind has come around to blow from the North East.  It has dropped to strength 4 (God Bless Admiral Beaufort)  The French Squadron have accordingly eluded you. 

Worse, dawn has revealed a large French Frigate bearing down on you.   Pipesmoker goes aloft himself and reports that she is a 36, "Audacieux"  or one of that class I believe Sir.   6 NM distant, coming on with all plain sail.  Pipesmoker also hails "She's run out sir, the cheeky beggar is keen."

HMS Satyr orders

Clear for action. Reduce sail to battle sail. Mr Clegg be so good as to set a course to bring us in at point blank range on her starboard side. We will give her a broadside and then cut across her stern and rake her.
Mr Pipesmoker will take charge of the gunnery. We will hold fire until at point blank. Double shot the guns if you please Mr Pipesmoker!
Lt Sheridan, I want your sharpshooters in the rigging. Have the rest of your men ready to sweep the enemy deck as I mean to bring us in close. If we have any swivel guns available use those as well. Target the quarter deck and wheel if you will.
We will close fast to save our rigging but I do not want to be drawn into trading broadsides. 
Mr Blair you will assist me on the quarterdeck. If we survive I mean to have words!

Ships Log

Satyr reduces to battle sail and runs out,
Audacieux also reduces to battle sail, but this is not done in the ordinary sloppy French fashion.  This ship has a seasoned crew, and has not been stuck in port during the Revolution.  It`s part of the French Caribbean Squadron, one of the food convoy escort.  

Satyr and Audacieux pass, Satyr's fire is into the hull, causing significant damage with the first broadside (three hull boxes two crew and three guns.  Why is Satyr shooting so low?)
The French fire has the unfortunate effect of removing the third Officer, although witnesses swear Lieutenant  Blair  ran below...
There is some spar damage on the main and mizzen.

The two ships circle, but a well timed jibe across the wind allows Satyr a shot into the French bow.  More damage to the French but it`s better timed and this time the French lose spars.

Another cross and the Frenchman's pumps have to work as he loses two more hull boxes leaving only two.  The French hull is cracking.  Dickie Attenborough Ships Gunner, is firing low!

A view of Satyr as she knocks sails down on the Frenchman.  The return fire kills Lieutenant Cameron   The ships Sailing master reports water in the bilges and has the pumps crewed.

But the Frenchman is done.  Audacieux begins to settle but does not strike.  Captain Quilp orders another broadside into her.   

With wreckage and men in the water Audacieux sinks by the stern, having broken open her hull.   Satyr has her pumps going and the First Officer wants to fother a sail over the hull damage.  "If we try to sail her she will ship water and settle Sir," the Master explains.   He seems a little upset that you broke his ship, and he did try to warm you about Blair...

Marked off the wrong sails boxes!
A costly victory.   A sea anchor is deployed and repairs begun.  24 hours!
(but we know that a French Squadron is around here somewhere, you may not have those hours)
The French Captain is fished out of the water and hands over his sword, don't know how he swam with it (You may return it if you are feeling honourable, but it's a nice one)

Lieutenant Blair has been confined to quarters by the First Lieutenant who found him hiding on the Orlop in a state of distress.
Preserved Parker is muttering about damage to his galley "which it is broken."  HMS Satyr is battered.
If its any consolation HMS Nymphe is in a far worse state!


  1. I may have broken my ship but at least I still have all my appendages (.....ahem).

  2. I say, that's a bit below the belt!
