Sunday 30 July 2023


 After a short break, due to real life, I decided it was time to crack on with my solo What a Cowboy! campaign.

When we last left them, the Digbeth Gang were struggling, having lost all four games against Grizzly Johnson's boys. Desperate situations call for desperate measures, and in a forlorn attempt to recapture some influence, the Digbeth Gang have kidnapped Mayor Teflon Blair. The gang have holed out in the old timber mill and the scene is set for a rescue attempt by the Johnson Gang.

The Old Timber Mill

With the death of Doc Butterworth, in the last game, the gang needed to recruit another member. The dice decreed that Kimberley Clark, a Buffalo Hunter (shootist level), would join them.
Comparing the Force Morale of the two gangs, the Digbeth Gang were way behind, thus qualifying for a roll on the game balancing table. Hence, the Unknown Gunfighter, a Legendary Bounty Hunter, would join them for this game. (Let's not pretend - it's the Man With No Name, isn't it? We'll just call him Joe.)

The Digbeth Kid, Scarface P Knutt, Kimberley Clark and 'Joe'

Half the gang were allowed to deploy in the centre of the table, so Scarface and Kimberley took guard positions, over the hostage Mayor Blair.

Scarface takes post behind the saw table.

Kimberley Clark holds the mayor captive in the site office,
whilst taking up a firing position at the window.

Jebediah Springsteen boldly moves out of the tree cover and heads straight for the mill.

Whilst Grizzzly Johnson struggles through the undergrowth with his thick furs.

Joe takes up a position behind the cart, whilst, true to form, the Kid fails to appear. 

Grizzly initiates a gunfight and pins Scarface behind the saw table.

In the distance, Armitage Shanks skirts the woodland attempting a flanking move.

Springsteen sprints for the cover of some barrels, where he is out
 of sight of Kimberley Clark at the window of the site office.

Kimberley moves to a side window, only to have Springsteen fire his rifle through
the front window (in a dangerous disregard for the safety of the Mayor, it must be said).

Meanwhile, Shanks has put in a stellar performance,
driving off Joe wounded, only to be shot dead by the Digbeth Kid

It's a bit late in the campaign but it seems the Kid has finally found his mojo,
after killing Shanks, he sprints to the cover of the steam donkey and takes a pot at Grizzly.

Unfortunately, it's too late for the Digbeth Gang, as Springsteen puts Clark out of action .

Using the dice changing ability of a Legend to the full,
Springsteen exits the table with the Mayor, for a win.

Yet another loss for the West's worst outlaws. It's not looking hopeful going into the grand finale. Post game, Clark recovered from his wounds and the Kid finally progressed to Gunfighter status, but the gang have nothing in the coffers.

On the other hand, Johnson's gang have amassed $215, but are down a gang member. In the hope of getting a decent replacement for Shanks, they invested $50 of the gang's stash to ensure a good outcome. As it happens they rolled high anyway, so didn't need the cash injection. John Bovey, a Gunslinger joins the gang; claims he's a Cowboy but he's wanted dead or alive!

So we're all set for the final showdown - High Noon in Paradise City. Can't wait!

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