Friday 27 October 2017

Red Sea Gazette 8. Man down the Well

Sudan Commando Comic's Presents... 
The Galloping Majors.
A tale of derring-do do, keeping you abreast of all the campaign and behind the scenes camp action...
Issue One, Paul and Barry Chuckle ain't coming home...

The third game on the Fekka table.   It has been established that Fekka was a suburb of Suakin, before being largely destroyed during the fighting.  The photo narrative of the third game in the campaign.
Be prepared for some deep well action. 

The camel Corps and the Teesiders move up to their start line.

The Egyptian Infantry barricade themselves inside the village.

The Teesiders move off, with Cocky Armstrong
proving his worth immediately. 
Dervish cavalry appear and are seen off.

The Ships of the desert strut their stuff
as the Camel Corps begin their
dance around the battlefield

Ali the Barber is revealed
The Teesiders move up to encroach
(or should that be support)
the Camel Corps fight

As Major Whitemoore demonstrates Firing
and moving quickly on a camel.

Things get a little tense in the centre

The mounted infantry move up into their usual
sacrificial position

The Dervish storm forwards into Fekka  
Major Pea gallops to the rescue 

Pea loses a man down the well.

The fight develops in the village

Whitemoore searches some of that terrain

The centre and right flank push up hard
against the Dervish

The fight in the village is close.  One more pip
on a dice would have won it for the Dervish

Thrown out of the village three times the Dervish try again.

The Dervish swarm on the centre and right. 
Things get even more tense. 

Whitemoore keeps the correspondent in check.

The Teesiders search this terrain piece as Churchill
leads his 10th Hussars around the position.  

End game on the right.  A triumph.

End game in the village as the last Dervish tribal infantry
are fired on by no less than three of the Durham's units. 
We captured that fellow down the well though, and Major Pea
will hear from us for a ransom demand, or its the old game of
spear and buttocks!.

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