Saturday 6 July 2024

29/1 Fat Willie's first date with the 29th

 Leutnant Willie Wârmer, has been asked to hold the line whilst the rest of the regiment escapes the encircling Yankees.  His platoons performance is vital to the war effort.  I feel that the Reich is misplacing its trust here.

29 Let's Go

The first table

The patrol phase begins. We do a central push.

The Yankees creep up the right.  That farm building must look good.

Poor Cletus, one of the Hazzard County Boys, exposes himself beside a hedge.

Willie gets his jump off points in a line.  Some nice light cover.

Lieutenant Otis P. Haffenfaffer brings his boys down the right.  Still focused on that farmhouse.

Willie reveals his minefield.

A scout team comes down the road, and a Yankee squad fans out to advance through the trees.
The Germans sit back to drink ersatz Kaffe and keep their heads down.

Willie reveals his tripod MMG and we massacre the exposed Cletus and his good ole boys.

Little Willie Grösse brings his team up and kills the scouts.

Anticipating a Mortar barrage Little Willie runs his men into the nearby house.  A queue for the toilet stall develops.  Willie can be seen getting stuck in the hedge gap!

The tripod MG42 hammers the exposed Cletus and his boys again, and they flee backwards, done.

The Yanks decide its time for the Shermans.   Little Willie, still in the toilet queue decides to evacuate.

The mortar barrage arrives, straddling the MG42.

And Sergeant Brad Twit gets his Sherman stuck on a hedge.

Willie gets out of the house, after a failed HE round from a sherman blows the chimney pot off.

And with Little Willie and his boys prone in the field out of sight, the MG team under the barrage, the Germans have vanished.  The game is paused.

Can Little Willie survive the Sherman?

Has anyone flushed the farm toilet?

These and other questions to be answered next week.

Fat Willie returns!

The Yanks decide they can sneak up on us and creep out of the house.

Fix bayonets?

One Sherman beached on a hedge, the second creeps forwards.

It's bold with hidden Germans nearby.

Our Panzer knaker team does for Brad and his Sherman in an ambush.  Had to fire twice!

Our single on table section keeps back from the hedge.

And after a good hose down from our MG42 the advancing Yankees run away.
Game over!

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