Monday, 15 July 2024

Fat Willie and some Foo on Foo action!

 Game Two. 

Leutnant Stoner has held the Yankees in the first game.  Its now campaign turn three and the Germans hold the same line against an increasingly desperate US assault.

So far so good.

The patrol phase begins

The Germans have extended the minefield to encompass the still burning tank.

And as one of the Germans I'm reasonably happy with our line as the jump off points go down.

The Yankees come in as combined arms, screening the Infantry with those tanks.

We get our FOO on table and drop the mortars on them.  The US FOO hides in an attic opposite.

But poor Fritz the FOO is taken out but a most dodgy sniping Sherman.

That 75mm hits poor Fritz through a tree.

But our revenge soon follows as we spend CoC dice to open up with an off table 88mm gun.

And then we take down the second Sherman.  Fritz the FOO can rest peacefully..  The US FOO can be seen hiding in that farmhouse.

The Yanks morale drops.

and the game pauses whilst we all go to the pub and drink a toast to poor Fritz.

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