Friday 13 July 2018

The Fat Tanker, War Comics Issue 1

The Fat Tanker, War Comic Issue 1#

What ho chaps!
2nd Lt Bumfluff Farthingdale, 2RTR here...  I`ve been a rear echelon type for the first few months of this war.  Off making up the garrison of Cyprus if you please.  Very nice it was too, but the  war has caught up with me and I`m posted up the Blue!

I arrived in time for Tobruk.  The regiment was sporting a few different types of tanks, but they all seemed to have one thing in common for a fellow of my girth... a narrow hatchway! 

Now I`ve taken a bit of ribbing for the few extra pounds a chap carries, but it seems to me that I`ve found a way forward.  The gunner has been trained to haul on my legs until I squeeze through into the turret.  The key to modern warfare is to conduct it all from a nice comfy seat in a tank turret, none of that marching around inflicted on the Infantry. 

Here then is the tale of my first battle up the Blue, a battle which I survived more or less intact

The Battle for Tobruk...

A view of Tobruk

Ceasare Pavarotti charges towards the Triumphal Arch

The Axis plan, to split around the town and attack on the flanks

The Allied plan looked something similar

The Italians pick on a straggler.

A lot of sneaking about and around the buildings

Some fast tanks running around in this game

Ceasare still dueling around that archway
The Allies just have more numbers and swamp the left flank

A kill for the Allies

Round and round.  For a novice Pavarotti holds his own... Well he had read the rules, which is a bonus

Phase two of the battle begins. 
Bumfluff squeezes into his turret

Bumfluff advances, the engine straining to carry the weight

The Allied plan, to get among the outer edge of the buildings before being swamped.

Finally Bumfluff gets that tank into cover.  Is the engine burning oil do we think?

The Allies make it into town, but the Axis have some fast moving tanks.
More of that ring around going on...

The Vultures begin to circle

But the main duel of the game is a ding dong gun to gun fight at a range of one inch!

Slowly the duel separates as they blow each other backwards

And in the town centre more of that circling...  pretty much until game over...

The standings - Allied

The standings - Axis

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