Friday 1 July 2022

Dubious' unlikely heroic end


The Infamy Scenario: Cows across the table

Das Germans...





SN  Calorifix 

The Romans

Centurion Dubious Figulous

Optio Felix Cattus

Auxilia Centurion Titus Newtus

For the second week an enemy at home is revealed
We suspect Senator Quintus Whitmorus!


Dominatrix is first on table bearing the sacred pointy Wang.

He reveals a secret passage through the woods, and penetrates deeply.

Vorsprung next.  With his dogs, Dirk and Technic. 

But then Tempus is drawn and the Germans have pipped us

And to save the day Dubious appears...

But he stupidly ends up in a marsh.

The Cows stray left, towards the river.  The escort goes after them.

Calorifix and his javelimen race on. 12"

Followed by the German horsemen. 12"

Then Tempus is drawn again

Turn 3,  Titus comes on in skirmish.  Races forwards, goes open.  Then Tempus is immediately drawn

Turn four

Dominatrix  spends his cards and reaches the bridge.

Dubious creeps forward 4 in the Swamp

Titus moves up wheeling.

Vorsprung meanwhile lags but creeps forward.

Bratwurst and his horses joins his warlord at the bridge.

Calorifix and his javelinmen want to interpenetrate, but can't get through those Warriors.  He wants to push up but can't. Fraught with innuendo these rules.  Turns out the river is impassable except at the crossing point.

Turn Five.  Dubious moves up to block the bridge.  Dominatrix chucks Spears.

A smarter Centurion would just hold the line.  Dubious however... goes for the charge, all in, fighting in the front rank.  Idiot.

But honours are even.  A stalemate.

End of an act.  Everyone pulls back.  Dubious reconsiders his rash actions.

Turn eight.  He goes again.  Idiot, leading his boys across the bridge.  They are only Germans!  A stalemate again.

Titus does more Spear chucking, going into skirmish order.

But the fight at the bridge resumes and the Germans roll....

Dubious is wounded, loses two status.  The Romans are pushed back reeling.

The Germans charge in again.  Dubious is wounded again and falls, the torrent takes him under the bridge...  

Roman Morale -3 and is  now 6.

Turn 10, the End of an Act.  All troops pull back.  Felix tightens his chinstrap.

And the game is paused.

Dubious has fallen

Titus is hiding in a marsh

Only Optio Felix Cattus can save the day.

It seems Rome is doomed.



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