Sunday 21 May 2023


Having recovered from wounds received in their last encounter, the Digbeth gang are still in action. Grizzly Johnson has tracked them down to another of the town's outlying areas, where the gang are known to be re-equipping. (The game should have been 'the School House', but as I didn't have a suitable building, I changed it to storehouse.) The scenario was the 'Scorched Earth' scenario, whereby the attacker attempts to burn down a nominated building. Hearing that the Digbeth Kid is receiving provisions from Arkwright's Trading Post, Grizzly's gang mean to burn the store to the ground and send a message to anyone aiding the Kid.

With the Digbeth Kid and Doc Butterfield both being armed with rifles it was always going to be difficult approaching the Trading Post. Between them, Doc and the Kid covered all the approaches, leaving Scarface Knutt to guard the store.

Doc Butterworth pins down Jebidiah Springsteen in the cactus patch.
Seemingly oblivious to the innocent Rancher in the line of fire.

Grizzly Johnson stealthily approaches the store from behind the 
funeral parlour. The game is given away somewhat by the frightened
carpenter who flees down the street.

The Kid seizes the opportunity to bushwhack Grizzly and pumps
several bullets towards the helpless trapper's back......and misses .

Meanwhile Armitage Shanks uses a Desperado card to sprint across
the open space towards the Moustacherie. 

And with a perfect run of Action Dice Shanks makes it to the rear of the barber shop and
let's loose at Doc Butterworth......who dodges behind the horse trough.

Doc spins around and returns fire and it is now Shanks that is forced to seek cover.

Unfortunately, he hasn't noticed Scarface who now has a perfect shot and fills Shanks
full of lead. Shanks flees behind the Moustacherie, but down to a single remaining
Action Dice he's, for all intents and purposes, out of the game.

Back at the funeral parlour, a close range gun fight is
playing out and Grizzly is getting the worst of it.

However, all is about to change with an epic series of actions from Jebidiah Springsteen.
From his position behind the coffins Springsteen takes out Doc Butterworth, sprints around
the corner and wounds the Kid as well. 

It's also the turn end, so the Kid must take a 'Ride or Die' test - which he fails. Grizzly's boys have failed to burn down Arkwright's store but, nevertheless, it's their fourth win in a row.

In the post game events, it is discovered that Doc Butterworth has died from his wounds. Hoss Blocker has finally been avenged!

Grizzly Johnson has progressed to Gunslinger  and Jebidiah Springsteen has made it all the way to Legend.

With only 2 games left, it's not looking good for the Kid.

1 comment:

  1. Quite the action. Nice to link the scenarios to one another. Good looking table as well,
