Monday 1 May 2023


A solo test game of 'What a Cowboy!' For ease of play I used the Lardville map, from the rulebook.

I decided on gangs of three - a Shootist and a Greenhorn each, dicing for the quality of the third gang member.

First off was the Digbeth kid (a Gun for Hire), Jim P Knutt (Greenhorn, Townsman) and Doc Butterworth (Greenhorn, Townsman). I paid for the Kid to have a Winchester but opted not to spend anything on the Greenhorns.

The Digbeth Kid, Jim P Knutt and Doc Butterworth.

For the opposing gang I rolled a Trapper (Shootist), a Gun for Hire (Shootist) and a Cowhand (Greenhorn).

I dubbed these Grizzly Johnson, Jebediah Springsteen (This gun's for hire, Even if we're just dancin' in the dark), and Hoss Blocker.

I paid for a Winchester for Springsteen and Furs for Grizzly - felt obliged as he's a Trapper.

Grizzly Johnson, Jebediah Springsteen and Hoss Blocker.

I rolled for the scenario and got 'High Noon'. A straight forward fight then - good for a first game, I guess. Dicing for location I came up with 'the Desert'. Lucky I brought those furs then!!!

Canyon West - the scene for a spot of bushwhacking.

The Digbeth gang were to be the attackers. Hence, I figured the Kid fancied a crack at bushwhacking and recruited a couple of ne'er-do-wells from the town to help out. Obviously, they're after Grizzly's cargo of beaver pelts - beaver in the desert, who knew?

The Digbeth gang take up position on the canyon sides, Doc Butterworth taking the right.

The Kid takes the left, covering the canyon with his Winchester. He appears
to still have a label from a previous game - obviously an alias!

Hoss Blocker turned out to be the man of the match, pinning two of the Digbeth gang from 
his position among the cacti. Jim Knutt was actually down to 1 Action Dice and never recovered all game.

Grizzly and Springsteen hold the far end of the canyon.

Grizzly outflanks the Kid's position and empties his gun in repeated shots.
Numerous potential hits countered by successful Dodges. Boy that kid's slippery.

After his stupendous performance, unfortunately, Hoss is shot dead by Doc Butterworth.

Although, the death of Hoss evened the fight somewhat, the Kid's gang were still in a tricky position. Luckily, the turn end arrived and the gang were able to concede defeat and 'Ride for the Hills'

What a great game, and it plays well solo. It might well be my favourite cowboy game, and that's against some stiff opposition. Can't wait to take this down the club!

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