Friday 17 August 2018

Pommesfritte cashes in his chips. 1805 Game 2

Bonjour mes amis, it is I, Sergeante Baguette of the 27th. Major Finguin, my Commander, had ordered me to stand by young Pommesfrite, in his first independent command.  We are the first ashore in an invasion of England, somewhere in Southsex.

First we had repelled the defender's of Newport, and then Pommesfrite took the road across country to another wet God forsaken English town.  The Major took the main force to Oakshampton,  or some such important Southsex place, whilst we were to burn down the rest of the county.

Pommesfritte quickly ran into trouble.  Approaching the town he sent me off to the right flank with my Voltiguers, to burn down a manor house, and abduct a milkmaid,  whilst he attempted to manoeuvre through the town backsides.

The British Deployment point

The French main body arrives whilst baguette and his men skulk towards the manor
Deep cover skulking!
The French reach the hedge and provoke a British reaction

Pommesfritte has brought along his great coat expecting rain

The British line appears to block our advance

Baguette and his 9 Voltiguers head for the manor

The British advance
Pommefrite sends Camenbert to outflank the British.

Camenbert's view up the lane.  Not liking this!

Half time.  The British treat both sides to beef and ham, mustard and beer.  Its a winning combination...
The light dragoons charge.  Bananas jumps his horse over the square.

The casualties are horrendous and Bananas rues the day as he bursts clear.

But Captain Dundarse plies the French with pale ale, and there is more than an air of squiffyness around Citizen Baguette! (and Citizen Quilp too!)

The British Sharpe Practice, and really damage the French groups.

The British cavalry swing away onto the road.  The French Sergeant splutters an apoplectic "Merde!"  Our Deployment point is threatened.
Camenbert aggressively targets the Cavalry, chasing them in a closed column.  When his blood is up our "cheese balls" will not let go.  See how he pursues that urchin child across the meadow...

Baguette meanwhile scarpers from the British Light Infantry who appear behind the manor.  he gets a single shot at the British cavalry, but fails to hit any of them. 

The British cavalry turns away and Baguette is once again put under the fire of the British skirmishers.  He withdraws and is last to leave the field

And with that mes amis, the Lieutenant Pomfrittes decides that he really needs to save a collapsing situation.  Our Infantry has come off poorly against the British Line, but we have the measure of those cavalry.  

We lost only one man, making this a skirmish of little regard.  The sour note was that Camenbert had captured boy in the village, and this urchin subsequently ran off with Pommefrite's orders which the Sergeant had "borrowed."  Figuin may yet courts martial our little cheese balls...

1 comment:

  1. May I be the first to congratulate Captain Dundarse, bravo sir!
