Tuesday 18 December 2018

Minutes of the Committee Meeting 17th December 2018

Minutes of the Marshal Petain Gentleman's club Committee meeting 17th December 2018

The meeting was opened by the Secretary in the absence of the President, as the Treasurer bought the first round, cunningly knowing that the President was late to the meeting and thereby saving Society funds.

The President then arrived and was forced to purchase his own eggnog.

The Secretary  apologised that the Records of the last meeting had been lost.  These records were stated to be "Last Christmas, the big band remix" and Russ Abbots seminal "I love a party with a little atmosphere."  The Committee unanimously agreed that these were better off lost.

The Treasurer's report was given and it was explained in fiscal terms that all monies would be deemed to be "resting" in his personal account.

The Club President made some brief remarks concerning the strong and stable state of the society.

Business of the day

Bronze Age
Unanimously voted as "back burner" due to the resolute failure of the Treasuer to paint his damn Egyptians.  2020 was given as a target date and the project was, for the moment "long grassed."  A vote of censure was avoided by the purchase of more eggnog.


This 1983 project has recently been reconsidered in light of the treasurer painting up a boat crew.  Only metal pre 1983 25mm (not 28) can be used, as agreed when the project was suggested by the Secretary in 1982.
Each player pledged to contribute an army, and seven bespoke terrain pieces.
The President pointed out that Longships means Longships, and that models of the boats would be required.  Leading from the chin the Treasurer volunteered to open the Waldridge shipyards.
The grid would be ten by six, 7" squares.
The President became over excited when he realised that basing need not be identical.  Another round of eggnog was ordered.
Forces will be Five boat crews or units, with two allied units being fielded as per the campaign rules, to give a primary and an allied player on each side.
The campaign map was viewed, and agreed with some minor tweaking.  The game is, at most four player due to its nature and all players must contribute to the lead pile.
The Treasurer apologises for his minor tweaking, it's part of his condition and his eggnog alergy.


With the Treasurer set to vanish off back to Cyprus (it is widely believed that he thinks of himself as some sort of European) the members of the committee agreed to assist in a WW1 Algy campaign.  This will involve a resource management game assigning patrols and missions to an RFC Squadron and a German Jasta.
The Treasurer may bring this collection back in the summer for some Algy pick up games. (Although I would point out for its sheer fun Algy is my go to game of the moment.)
The game objective is to be the first ace to get to ten wins.


There followed a discussion of a bucket list wargame, Gallipoli.  The possibility of a 20mm two night/weeks on table campaign game was discussed.
This was tentatively agreed, but may need to go to 15 or 10mm.

Players would represent the two Turkish battalions, a bombardments Officer, and one for each of the Commonwealth battalions attacking.

It does spark the question of what the society's other bucket list games would be.

Bloody Barons

A pre game Bloody Barons was discussed.  This utilises a simple map.  Players occupy boxes representing either Exiled, Gathering support or offering battle.  Gathering support meant drawing Kingmaker style cards (or just actual Kingmaker cards)  A 4 player game.  This is a simple pre game mechanism for generating a game.  The aim is clearly regime change, but there is a way of extending this beyond a single game.  Each side, York and Lancaster, have four heirs to the English throne.  Lose a battle and one of the heirs is lost.  Lose four games and the other side will have won the throne by eliminating the rival house.

The Welsh Wars of Henry IV

Finally the Idea of a Lion Rampant game set around the war for Wales in the 4th Century.

Lion Rampant is a small scale game, and a campaign can be simply built up by randomly dicing for a scenario, as per the rules.  This builds a narrative that makes the campaign an interesting proposition.

Setting it during the Welsh Wars would allow players to represent the English, Marchers,  Irish, Anglo Irish, Welsh, Scots and Isles.

Players would have a garrison, The Earl of Chester for example would have his castle at Chester and be able to attack into Wales or go Scot bothering up in the Borders.   Campaign losses could be made good from the Garrison.

The winner would be the first player  to get to 5 Glory points.
Easy right?

The meeting was adjourned with the Secretary stating that he would search for the previous records, and the Committee requesting that under the circumstances he not do so.  The Society President has after all  a history with the comedy of Russ Abbot that we would not wish to rekindle.

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