Saturday 22 September 2018

25th May: The Action off the Isle de Grois

The HMS Nymphe and HMS Satyr have both entered Quiberon bay.  Nymphe, slightly to the north, pauses before sailing into the Isle de Grois anchorage as dusk approaches.  Satyr, cautiously picks her way north in support.

The Isle de Grois Anchorage

The view from the masthead HMS Satyr

The Corvette (Left)  and Merchantman (Right)  HMS Nymphe is just beyond the Cats rocks.

HMS Nymphe cleared for action runs down onto the anchorage in battle sail 

The Nymphe uses her red, white and blue phases to close. 
A double shotted rake across the stern of the anchored Corvette. 

HMS Satyr running north before the wind

The Nymphe grapples alongside and Captain Quincy leads his boarders in person.

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